Software for a Sustainable Future

We are in a climate emergency. The planet is heating up, nature is being decimated, weather systems are destabilising, and pollution is intensifying. Humanity must address this, or nothing else…

Jamie Matthews

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What Software engineers really think about AI

We asked Will, one of our engineers, some quick fire questions about what he really thinks about working with AI and to gain some insight into how AI can help…

Mark Aaron

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Do you do AI at DabApps?

This is a question we get asked a lot, and the short answer is - yes! AI has been in development for decades, but with the recent increase in visibility…

Chloe Ward-Smith

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Brighton Digital Festival: DabApps Open Studio

We're very excited to be involved this year with the Brighton Digital Festival, as one of the Wired Sussex Open Studios. On the 24th September, we'd like to give the…

Jamie Matthews

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Brighton Brains

Last week, DabApps spent an afternoon at an event called "Creative Industries and Creative Researchers", organised by Vitae and held at the new American Express Community Stadium at Falmer. The…

Jamie Matthews

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